About VtechSchool

Welcome to VtechSchool an Educational Technology platform, where learning is made easy, convenient, and accessible to everyone, everywhere across the world.
Our purpose is to make education and learning easy, accessible and exciting for everyone

What we do?

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We are an Education Learning platform, targeted to every one across the world, we employ digitalized procedures to educate everyone. Our commitment is towards a better future for every individual across the World. On our website you can gain access to numerous courses at a very affordable price and gain extensive knowledge and skills from learning this courses.

Our Mission

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Our Mission is to encourage everyone across the World to gain education or skills through this digital age, we employ the use of electronic medium and computerised gadgets to carry out our jobs. We hope to keep serving everyone who is thirsty for knowledge and ready to build themselves by encouraging education in this digital era.

Who we Serve

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Education isn't meant to be in an enclosed environment while impacting knowledge at the detriment of others. So therefore we have employed this medium to everyone who is willing to learn at their own pace, at their own freedom and time. We encourage everyone who thinks education should be affordable, easily accessible and interactive in the best possible way to work with us.

Going global

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Anyone reading who visit us, can help spread the gospel of digitalised learning by purchasing our courses and sharing our links on various social media websites. As we look to grow into a multitude of members and website visitors.